Welcome to my personal homepage

I am an applied scientist at AWS AI Labs. I am part of the science team that builds Amazon CodeWhisperer. My work at AWS revolves around code generation, code search, and retrieval augmented generation.

Before joining AWS, I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California Los Angeles, in September 2021. I was part of the UCLA NLP group, advised by Dr. Kai-Wei Chang. Previously, I received my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, in February 2013, and my Master of Computer Science from the University of Virginia, in August 2017.

News and Announcements

  1. [03.2024] Checkout our works: Repoformer and IllusionVQA.
  2. [02.2024] Two papers got accepted at LREC-COLING 2024.
  3. [09.2023] I will serve as an area chair for ACL 2024.
  4. [01.2024] CodeSage got accepted at ICLR 2024.
  5. [10.2023] Seq2Seq PLMs for KPGen got accepted at EMNLP 2023.
  6. [09.2023] CrossCodeEval got accepted at NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Track.
  7. [09.2023] I will serve as a senior area chair for NAACL 2024.